Recently, I've been trying my hand at selling things in SecondLife. One thing I just finished is a plugin for Amethyst collars that provides access to the full range of RestrainedLife viewer features. I'm calling my "brand", Leaping Dolphin Boutique.
You can visit the in-world Leaping Dolphin Boutique store, or purchase my products at SLExchange or Onrez. Not only do I make this plugin, but I also have lots of graffiti textures for urban building projects along with a few home furnishings.
My plugin provides a more complete, and I'd like to think, intuitive, interface to the features available from the modified client. What follows is the help document, listing all of the features.

And all owners will be notified if the sub ever logs in without the RestrainedLife client - never again wonder if they've found a way to circumvent the restrictions.
Just install this plugin into their collar and know they are securely under your total control.
The RestrainedLife Viewer is a modified version of the SecondLife client software that provides a wide range of functionality for enhancing the bondage experience. It is available for download and the developer, Marine, has a blog covering the RestrainedLife viewer enhancements.
RestrainedLife Client Detection
This plugin will determine if the collar wearer logs in with the RestrainedLife viewer or not. If the collar wearer logs in with another client, all of their owners will be notified via IM.Commands
These commands are activated in the same manner as all other commands, with a prefix of "." or whatever it has been changed to.A few quick notes about the commands and their arguments. All commands are available to an unowned sub or to the primary and secondary owners unless otherwise specified. Avatar names and object names must be exact matches. Lists of locations are comma separated lists of the names with no spaces around the commas. Lists of channels are command separated lists of the channels with no spaces around the commas.
General Commands
.lock : Prevent the sub from removing the collar.
.unlock : Allow the sub to remove the collar.
.clear : Clear all restrictions.
.status : Print a summary of all active restrictions.
Stand/Sit Commands
.nostand : Prevent the sub from using the "Stand Up" button.
.maystand : Allow the sub to use the "Stand Up" button.
.sit <object name> : Forces sub to sit on the named nearby object (this can be sometimes flakey in the RestrainedLife viewer.)
Teleport Commands
.notp : Prevent the sub from teleporting.
.maytp : Allow the sub to teleport.
Object/Inventory Commands
.noedit : Prevent the sub from editing objects.
.mayedit : Allow the sub to edit objects.
.norez : Prevent the sub from creating or rezzing objects from inventory.
.mayrez : Allow the sub to rez create or objects from inventory.
.noinv : Prevent the sub from viewing their inventory window, closes it, if it is open.
.mayinv : Allow the sub to view their inventory window.
.nonote : Prevent the sub from viewing notecards.
.maynote : Allow the sub to view notecards.
Outfit/Attachment Commands
.listattach : Print a list of the parts of the body the sub has objects attached to.
.listoutfit : Print a list of clothing parts the sub is wearing.
.lockoutfit : Prevent the sub from adding or removing any clothing.
.unlockoutfit : Allow the sub to add and remove clothing.
.naked : Remove all clothing and attachments from the sub, except locked ones.
.takeoff all : Remove all clothing from the sub.
.takeoff <locations> : Remove the clothing from the specific locations.
.detach all : Remove all attachments from the sub, except locked ones.
.detach <locations> : Remove all attachments from the specific locations.
outfit locations: gloves,jacket,pants,shirt,shoes,skirt,socks,underpants,undershirt,skin
attachment locations: chest,skull,left shoulder,right shoulder,left hand,right hand,left foot,right foot,spine,pelvis,mouth,chin,left ear,right ear,left eyeball,right eyeball,nose,r upper arm,r forearm,l upper arm,l forearm,right hip,r upper leg,r lower leg,left hip,l upper leg,l lower leg,stomach,left pec,right pec,center 2,top right,top,top left,center,bottom left,bottom,bottom right
Chat/IM Mute Commands
These features allow the owner to control whether the sub can chat or IM and whether they can receive chat or IM.
.mute : Prevent all chat and IM except for IMs to owner.
.unmute : Enables chat and IMs.
.deafen : Prevent all chat and IMs from reaching the sub, except the owners'.
.undeafen : Unblock chat and IMs from reaching the sub.
.lockchannels : Prevent sending chat on any non-public channel (e.g. /6 hello)
.lockchannels <channels> : If channels are currently not blocked, block them.
.unlockchannels : Allow sending chat on non-public channels.
.unlockchannels <channels> : If non-public chat is blocked, unblock it for the specified channels.
"Advanced" Commands
The following set of functions are for more precise control of the various features of the RestrainedLife viewier.Advanced Teleport Commands
.notp owners : If the sub is already prevented from teleporting, block teleport offers from owners.
.notp <avatar name> : If the avatar is an exception to teleport blocking, block them.
.notp-lm : Prevent the sub from teleporting to landmarks.
.notp-loc : Prevent the sub from teleporting to map locations.
.notp-sit : Prevent the sub from teleporting via sitting.
.notp-lure : Prevent the sub from teleporting via offers.
.notp-lure owners : If the sub cannot teleport, prevent the subs owners from teleporting them.
.notp-lure <avatar name> : If the avatar is permitted to teleport the sub, block them.
.maytp owners : If the owners are currently blocked from offer teleports, unblock them.
.maytp <avatar name> : Allows the sub to receive teleport offers from the avatar.
.maytp-lm : Allow the sub to teleport to landmarks.
.maytp-loc : Allow the sub to teleport to map locations.
.maytp-sit : Allow the sub to teleport via sitting.
.maytp-lure : Allow the sub to teleport via offers.
.maytp-lure owners : If teleports from owners are blocked, unblock them.
.maytp-lure <avatar name> : If teleports from the avatar are blocked, unblock them.
Advanced Clothing/Attachment Commands
.nowear all : Prevent adding clothing to any clothing location.
.nowear <locations> : Prevent adding clothing to the specific locations.
.maywear all : Allow adding clothing to any clothing location.
.maywear <locations> : Allow adding clothing to the specific locations.
.noremove all : Prevent removing clothing any clothing.
.noremove <locations> : Prevent removing clothing from specific locations.
.mayremove all : Allow removing all clothing.
.mayremove <locations> : Allow removing clothing from specific locations.
Advanced Chat/IM Commands
.mute owners : If IMs are already muted, mutes IMs to owners.
.mute <avatar name> : If the avatar is already unmuted, mute them.
.mute-chat : Prevent all chat.
.mute-im : Prevent all IMs, except to owners.
.mute-im owners : If IMs are already muted, mutes IMs to owners.
.mute-im <avatar name> : If the avatar is already unmuted, mute them.
.unmute owners : If IMs to owners are already muted, unmute them.
.unmute <avatar name> : If the avatar is already muted, unmute them.
.unmute-chat : Enable all chat.
.unmute-im : Enable all IMs.
.unmute-im owners : If IMs to owners are already muted, unmute them.
.unmute-im <avatar name> : If the avatar is already muted, unmute them.
.deafen owners : If already deaf, prevent even the owners' from reaching the sub.
.deafen <avatar name> : If chat and IM from an avatar are already unblocked, block it.
.deafen-chat : Prevent all chat from reaching the sub, except the owners'.
.deafen-chat owners : If already deafened, prevent even the owners' from reaching the sub.
.deafen-chat <avatar name> : If chat from an avatar is already unblocked, block it.
.deafen-im : Prevent all IMs from reaching the sub, except the owners'.
.deafen-im owners : If already deafened, prevent even the owners' from reaching the sub.
.deafen-im <avatar name> : If IMs from an avatar is already unblocked, block it.
.undeafen owners : If chat and IMs from the owners are blocked, unblock them.
.undeafen <avatar name> : If chat and IMs from an avatar are blocked, unblock them.
.undeafen-chat : Unblock chat from reaching the sub.
.undeafen-chat owners : If chat from the owners is blocked, unblock it.
.undeafen-chat <avatar name> : If chat from an avatar is blocked, unblock it.
.undeafen-im : Unblock IMs from reaching the sub.
.undeafen-im owners : If IMs from the owners are blocked, unblock them.
.undeafen-im <avatar name> : If IMs from an avatar is blocked, unblock them.
1 comment:
I have to confess, this is about the kinkiest thing in all of Second Life. Way more than anything else you've tried.
A friend of mine, Seven, told me about it, and then I told Tiessa about Restricted Life. You can see how it's warped her mind.... :)
The key is you need the client, and a device, like the collar in world to control the client - which is what these scripts are doing. Lastly, you need someone else to control you....
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